“Duchess II” received a 2015 Silver Classic Utility Restored Award.
“Duchess II” is a 1949 25 ft Chris Craft Sportsman powered by a Hercules W with 160 hp. She is owned by Dean Kent who is a member of the Jerry Dyhrkopp Iowa Great Lakes Chapter.
Silver Awards are presented to boats that are judged to be worthy of 87 through 91 points. At the Annual International Boat Show held at Gull Lake, Minnesota, 16 Silver Awards in total were presented to boats in various classes.
Photography credit goes to Forrest Bryant, editor for the Heartland Classics Chapter of ACBS.
Here is a list of the 2015 Boat Show Winners. In the coming weeks, this website will continue to show pictures of the 2015 winning boats. The 2015 Annual ACBS Meeting and International Boat Show was held at Gull Lake, Minnesota. It was hosted by the Bob Speltz Land-o-Lakes Chapter of ACBS.