1956 Safticraft

By Dallas Cooley, Blue Ridge Chapter Best I can recollect, my love for boats began as a kid hanging my head over the bow of my grandfather’s Lazy Days houseboat on Lake Lanier. Watching the V-hull slice through the water with the roar of twin V-8’s was euphoric. The tradition continued with my father’s houseboats.…

1960 Lyman Runabout

By Jeff Hamilton, North Carolina Coastal & Piedmont Chapter The family history with Lyman Boats began when my Grandfather bought a 13-foot Lyman just after WW2. We used that Lyman (which my sister currently has) and our 1969 18-foot model up at our family cottage on the Upper French River in Ontario Canada. About 10…

1965 Correct Craft Barracuda

By Steven Horwood, ACBS Member Sitting on a 1965 Vance tandem axle trailer and repowered with a Ford 5.0L, MISSing AuTrain is a 1965 Correct Craft Barracuda. I purchased the boat in November of 2010 here in Michigan, after being assured by the previous owner of intact stringers, only to later find out that 70…