WoodenBoat Magazine, both online and in print, wishes to share the pictures and story of your recently launched or relaunched classic wooden boat.  Any story and pictures submitted as directed below will also be shared through this ACBS website.

Dear ACBS Member,

I edit the Launchings section in WoodenBoat magazine and also seek out reader-built boats for our online publication, Small Boats Monthly. We want to see more powerboats in both of these publications. If you have relaunched a classic runabout in the last year, please write to me. I also want to hear from those of you who have launched new wooden runabouts in the last year.

In either case, please send me an email at launchings@woodenboat.com and include a few pictures of your new boat along with the following information:

Info on the boat—Its name, model, length, beam, year built, and the place and approximate date of your launching or relaunching.

Who did the work—The name of the designer and builder; for Relaunchings we want to know the original builder as well as the restorer. Did you do the work yourself, with help, or hire a professional? If it is a new build, where did you get the plans?

Building and using the boat--Write a few sentences about your work (what woods did you use, how long did the project take, any ingenious solutions or unusual stories). For restorations, we’d like to know what parts of the boat were restored or replaced. For new boats, what parts went well? Did you stray from the plans at all? Was it a kit boat?  In either case, where do you plan to use the boat?

Your photographs: We will need the name of your photographer. Please send no more than 6 photographs in jpg format, at least 2400 x 3600 pixels in size. We prefer 300 dpi if you can send that size. 

About you: Please send your full name and mailing address. We need a valid email or a phone number also.

We can’t promise every launchings sent to us will get published, but if we don’t know about your launching, I can promise we can’t publish it.

Thank you for your help with this. We look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,
Robin Jettinghoff
Launchings Editor
WoodenBoat Magazine

Robin Jettinghoff
Assistant Editor
WoodenBoat Publications
41 WoodenBoat Lane, PO Box 78
Brooklin, Maine 04616 USA
Tel 207 359 4651
Fax 207 359 8920

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