By Dan Gyoerkoe, Executive Director for ACBS
It was a chilly Saturday morning with the temperature in the mid-forties and a rare showing of the sun this spring as eighteen classic boat enthusiasts gathered for the Annual Spring Symposium May 17-19 hosted by the Antique Boat Museum and ACBS.
The Symposium began on Friday afternoon giving participants access to the library and archives at the museum, access to the museum’s Doebler Storage Building, a local boat shop hop, and a group dinner. I attended the group dinner Friday night. I was reminded again the real value from membership with ACBS and a local chapter is being part of a community of classic boat enthusiasts and spending time with people that have the same passion.
Saturday is the favorite day of the participants because they have a chance to get their hands dirty. This year the hands-on activities included continuing the build on the 10-foot 6-inch B-utility racer Mosquito led by Bo Muller from Muller Boat Works, varnishing techniques led by Kathy Muller from Muller Boat Works, and outboard engine maintenance led by Scott Smith and Forrest Hess.
The Symposium continued Sunday morning with two presentations. The first presentation by Amanda Dudley, Education Director at ABM, Rebecca Hofinger, Executive Director at ABM, and Larry Turcotte, Gar Wood Custom Boats, was an update on the latest restoration work on Snail (wood and engine work), the 1927 33-foot Baby Gar. Snail will return to the water later this year at the Antique Boat Museum.
The second presentation titled Preserving Boats – Preserving History was given by Kathy Muller, Muller Boat Works. Kathy told the story of a purchase she made that included 3 boats, but she only wanted one of the boats. She was able to sell the other two boats and later learned that one of boats she sold was a very rare sailboat. From that point, she diligently researches the history of the boats she is thinking of buying or selling and the history of her customers boats.
It was an enjoyable weekend of learning, swapping stories, talking about boats and motors, and getting the hands a bit dirty. I hope you will join us next year.