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Classic Boating in Norway

By Anders Johnsen, ACBS Nordic Chapter (All pictures by the author) Historical background With the world’s second longest coastline it´s quite natural that boats has been a central part of our history all the way from the Vikings to modern times. As in many other countries, motorized boats used for pleasure started to appear in…

Celebrating 50 Years of ACBS: Water Wonderland Chapter

In the early 1980s, a group of vintage boat owners living on one of Michigan’s many pristine bodies of water in the Grand Traverse region organized the Long Lake Wooden Boat Club. Gradually, they became aware of an international organization called The Antique and Classic Boat Society; from this awareness would come the Water Wonderland…

Boating Maintenance: Tuning Up a Flathead Marine Engine

Join the Lake Champlain Chapter for a video workshop on how to tune up a Flat Head Marine Engine.  In this five-part video series, you’ll get a primer on checking engine compression, the distrubutor and water pumps for proper function and setting the timing. And, you’ll learn how to torque head bolts, about the fuel…

Celebrating 50 Years of ACBS: 1000 Islands Chapter

It all started back in 1978 when a group of folks wanted to have a boat show. The show was to feature both Vintage and recently wooden boats that had been in continuous use, a “user” boat. The show was a great success and the Village of Alexandria Bay has opened their docks for a…

Going North by True North

Adventure lovers will remember Gene Porter’s story of a trip north along the veritable aquatic superhighway that is Lake Champlain and its appendages into the heart of old French Canada. Invited to judge the very first Montreal Classic Boat Festival. In 2008, inspired by to revisit the beauty of this country by waterway, Gene loaded…

Celebrating 50 Years of ACBS: France Chapter

During the month of August in 2010, Gilbert Vacheret, a founding member with a French delegation of the club Société Nautique de Bordeaux, went to the U.S. to meet with the ACBS.   Lou Rauh introduced Gilbert to several chapters and one in particular, the Water Wonderland chapter, offered him the opportunity to visit the…

A Riva in a Barn

By Bjorn Bakken, Bay State Classic Boat Club While living overseas in my country of birth, Norway, from 2012 to 2014, a childhood friend told me: “I know of a rare wooden boat in a barn.” Many of us have heard of stories like this, but it’s like winning the Lotto when you see the…

Celebrating 50 Years of ACBS: North Carolina Coastal & Piedmont Chapter

It all started with Merl W. “Bill” Baldwin, Jr. (June 6, 1935-October 14, 2015). Known as “The Helmsman,” Bill wrote science fiction–specifically military space opera. The Helmsman Saga (8 books) was his best-known work, hence his nickname. He worked at NASA at Cape Canaveral supporting Project Mercury and later as a contractor for the NASA Manned Spacecraft…

Member Profile: Manotick & 1000 Island Chapter’s Linda Hamilton

Boating is in my blood. I have been on the water since I was eight years old, when dad bought our first family boat and a tent. Boat number two, our 18 ½-foot Weymouth cruiser, (yes, a cruiser, and Mom, Dad and three kids slept aboard), meant that every summer we’d spend family vacation time…