One of the larger chapters in the Antique and Classic Boat Society, the Michigan Chapter draws its membership primarily from Eastern Michigan.
Their activities are a mixture of tradition and innovative ways of using and sharing boats and boating. This year, in particular, the Michigan Chapter is thoroughly involved in getting ready to share their beautiful blue waters and their hospitality with all ACBS members at the 2018 International ACBS Annual Meeting and Boat Show.
They provide so much information for members and the public on their Chapter Website. And the ACBS Michigan Chapter Facebook Group is one of the most active groups in social media.
Watch for reports on these upcoming activities – or better yet – plan to join in the fun.
First Show of the year is a classic in itself at Algonac, Michigan.
The show is titled “Where It All Began” is located where the original Chris Craft business was built. June 23rd is the 33rd Annual Show at Algonac but will be the 40th Anniversary of the Michigan Chapter of ACBS. This site will be the homeport venue for the Monday Pre-Event of the 2018 ACBS International Event.
On July 14th, members of the chapter will gather for an informal boat show at Lexington, Michigan.
This will be a no stress relaxing day where you can dock at the convenient floating docks and spend the day exploring the harbor and walking to the nearby shops and restaurants in Lexington. Lexington Harbor has beautiful floating docks, easy launch ramps and plenty of parking.
August 17-18, 2018 will find Michigan Chapter at Port Sanilac.
The Port Sanilac Antique boat and Vintage Show is back again in 2018 with all the unique features you have come to love including the classic cars, model boats, and vintage campers. It is a true festival for all things vintage!
AND the big event this year… Michigan Chapter is hosting the ACBS Annual Meeting and International Boat Show! 
The Chapter will welcome guests on Sunday, September 9, 2018, at the DoubleTree Hotel in Port Huron, Michigan.
This area is rich in the history of the pleasure craft industry and ALSO a center for both pleasure and commercial boating in the blue waters between Lake Huron and Lake Erie. The Pre-events will include a Poker Run, River Cruising on the St. Claire River, and a day cruise on a big Cruiser on the Big Water of Lake Huron.
All ACBS members are invited to enjoy the hospitality of the Michigan Chapter. Put it on your calendar now. Click here for lodging options.
Have you looked at the page on this website dedicated to your chapter?
Click on Chapters in the main menu above to get to your own Chapter Page. Chapter-specific news posts and submitted events are included on your page. You may add any news, announcements, and pictures by emailing or clicking the next button for a submission form.