B.K. Powell has been a member of the Antique and Classic Boat Society since 2001.  He not only has an antique boat and two classic boats of his own, but he represents his business as an Associate Member of ACBS.  ACBS recognizes him with gratitude for his continuing support of our organization.

B.K. is also a  member of several chapters, the primary home chapter is Inland Empire. Then all of the neighboring chapters have his supporting membership; Big Sky, Columbia Willamette, Okanagan, Pacific Northwest, and Payette Lakes Chapters.  B.K. has also served as a Director on the ACBS Board.

Here are pictures of his antique boat which is a 1930 Dee-Wite Runabout named DECO.



And now for the business …

OfficeTECH of Spokane, Washington

From their website

“Locally owned and operated – OfficeTECH is an office solution provider founded in 1997 in Anchorage, Alaska with one employee. In 1998 we expanded to cover much of south central Alaska. As we grew we continued to provide superior knowledge and solutions to our customers resulting in being the 1999 #1 provider of digital multifunctional devices among all Xerox Sales Agencies. In 2000, OfficeTECH expanded into eastern Washington.”

OfficeTECH of Spokane holds platinum status in sales and service of Xerox products.

The Antique and Classic Boat Society greatly appreciates all of the ways that B.K. Powell and OfficeTECH show their support of our International Antique and Classic Boat Society and for the support and involvement in several chapters. 

The Antique and Classic Boat Society appreciates the extra support given to our organization by Associate Members.  Click here to see this year’s list of Associate Members.

If you or your business would like to support the Antique and Classic Boat Society by being an ACBS Associate Member, you may join here or contact ACBS Executive Director Dan Gyoerkoe at dan@acbs.org or call (315) 686-2628.


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