By Scott Wilcox, Mountainview Woodies Classic Boat Club A Little History… In the early part of the last century canoe manufacturing as an industry began to develop. Many backwoods craftsmen became entrepreneurs. Among them were the Chestnut brothers, Henry and William, of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Several manufacturers tried to develop a motorized version of…

Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 8.21.18

“KaRat”, pictured above, is 1929 38′ Elco Cruiser powered by a 1973 Ford-Leimen 8cyl 125hp engine. She just completed an extensive three-year restoration at Wykes Boat Works in Harlem, ON. Owned by Manotick Classic Boat Club members, Ray and Judy Saunders. Photographed at the Manotick Classic Boat show in Westport, ON on August 11th, 2018.…

Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 6.20.17

This is the second Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats.  Enjoy!   Then send your boat’s picture in for one of the next Tuesday Tours. (directions below) The featured boat (above) is Ms Keely a 1959 Penn Yan Caribbean owned by Keely Sayers and Matt Gillam. Photo taken on Damariscotta Lake, Maine.          …