Elite’s Story

By John Vorhies, North Coast Ohio chapter The week before the Huron Annual meeting/show in September of 2018 the 1939 Chris-Craft triple we had owned for 27 years was sold.  We surely enjoyed the many show and events that we participated in with Sashay. She was certainly a beautiful preservation piece. We found ourselves using…

Tuesday Tour of Classic Boats 7.13.21

This week’s Tuesday Tour of Classic Boats is led by a 1978 Chris Craft 19-foot Lancer named Wise Choice.  Wise Choice  is owned by Bill Wise, a member of the North Coast Ohio Chapter.   Home Again was built in 1932 by Chris Craft.  She is a “300” model 15.5-feet long. The name  Home Again makes you wonder…

Tuesday Tour of Classic Boats 5.11.21

This week’s Tuesday Tour of Classic Boats is led by a 1969 Lyman 22-foot hardtop purchased in 2013 from the estate of the original owner on Lake St Claire, Michigan. Wood Stock was restored by Chris Cushman of Androscoggin boat Co. in Maine. Her main port is Halls Boat Co. on Lake George, NY. She…