New Old Stock

It is a 1936 Custom Commuter called “ New Old Stock”. The name was derived from the common term in the boat and car collectors world for a part that is found that is original but never used. This boat was found in a boat house never completed. It was in Detroit across the canal…

Installing a Bilge Blower Makes Vintage Boats Safer

Safe Boating week is May 18th through May 24th. For more information, visit By Dick Werner & Brent Howard. As we are all well aware, we have that highly explosive liquid on board many of our old boats call gasoline. That liquid is very capable of vaporizing and releasing fumes. These fumes are heavier…


By Roger Fox member of the BSLOL chapter  Vixen is a 1948 Chris Craft 17’ Deluxe Runabout, powered by a KBL Racing engine. The Boat is owned by Roger Fox of Shoreview, MN. The boat was manufactured in Cadillac, Michigan and delivered to a dealer in Superior, Wisconsin. Vixen has been seen on a Channel…


By Sam Merksamer member of the Adirondack chapter Merkmaid V was originally a Lake Tahoe boat…..owned by a great friend (Jimmy Schwartzman). I purchased the boat from Jimmy in 1986 because he said I was using it more than him. My Dad had a 1955 Coronado purchased from Sierra Boat at Tahoe so you might…