Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 7.24.18

 Andreas Jordahl Rhude owns many Thompson boats.  Valhalla is one of them.  She is a 1957 Thompson 17 ft Sea Lancer with 1957 Johnson RDEL-19 outboards. Andreas Rhude is a member of the Bob Speltz Land-o-Lakes and Glacier Lakes Chapters.   Here is a Classic 1962 Dorsett 17 ft Catalina with a 1989 Yamaha 90 hp engine. …

Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 7.10.18

“My 1972 Correct Craft Skier, MacSkier, is a great boat for towing its 82-year-old owner — me!”  That’s the quote that came with this picture of a Classic 1972 Correct Craft 17′ Skier with a Crusader 220 engine owned by Grant and Phyllis MacLaren who are members of the Blackhawk and Sunnyland Chapters.  Here’s another view…