The Toronto Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society is the featured Chapter of the Week.

What is the big WAVE?   W.A.V.E  ( We are Volunteers Engaged ) is the official way for members of the Toronto Chapter to be scheduled as a volunteer for a particular assignment – or several assignments.  What a great way to know that tasks will be done, to connect new friends, and to recognize all of the volunteers that make an organization run smoothly.  Read more about it on the chapter’s website.

These are quotes from the Toronto Chapter’s Facebook page:

The Antique and Classic Boat Society, Toronto (ACBS-Toronto) exists to celebrate the beauty and rich heritage of recreational boating.

As a member you will enjoy a full year of memorable outings, events, workshops, gatherings and shows with other enthusiasts just like you.
ACBS Toronto attracts a wide variety of members, from classic boat owners to builders to people who just simply appreciate these beautiful crafts and the craftsmanship that built them. 

Toronto Chapter’s publication Classicboat has won recognition in the ACBS Annual Awards program at least eight times. This chapter also donated the permanent trophy for the Rover Award given by ACBS. The Toronto Chapter is listed as a winner in almost every category of the ACBS Annual Awards including being named Chapter of the Year in 2012.

The 2010 Antique and Classic Boat Society’s Annual Meeting and International Boat Show was hosted by the Toronto Chapter at Lake Muskoka, Gravenhurst, Ontario.  Those who attended will never forget the tour by boat of the many boathouses on the chain of lakes where beautiful vintage boats were displayed.

Their annual show is in the same location – a great summer destination. (See events calendar for details.)

54 Chapters of International ACBS

The Antique and Classic Boat Society has 54 Chapters throughout the United States, Canada, and France. ACBS members who affiliate with a home chapter find a group of friends with whom to share boating experiences, boat stories, and the skills needed to maintain and/or preserve and restore their vintage boats.  Inevitably, the genuine relationships formed at the chapter level are always mentioned when an ACBS member is asked why they value their ACBS membership.

Please share information about your chapter events to be posted on this website.  Anyone can do that.  You may email up to six pictures and text to

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