This week’s featured ACBS chapter is Inland Empire.
Clicking on Inland Empire Chapter will take you to more information about this chapter, show the events they have already posted for the coming year, and some news stories and pictures that have come from their chapter.
Inland Empire Chapter is at home in northern Idaho but draws its memberships from all over the Northwest. They actively support and promote their mission:
To bring people together with a common interest in historic, antique and classic boats, sharing fellowship, information, experience and exchange of ideas.
To protect the heritage of boating by promoting, first the preservation and, secondly, the restoration of historic antique and classic boats.
To promote, further and encourage a love and enjoyment of all aspects of historic, antique and classic boating.
To serve as a communication channel for our membership, the public, and any other entities regarding information relating to historic, antique and classic boating. This includes serving as a clearing house and referral service for all information relating to historic, antique, and classic boating.
To serve as the governing body and parent organization for such chapters as shall be formed and created under our auspices; this includes providing support for and communicating with these chapters.
To inspire and support quality boat shows and related events among our chapters; to establish and maintain standards for classifying boats and conducting boat shows.
To educate our membership and the general public concerning safety and protocol as it relates to historic, antique and classic boating.
If you want to see some BEAUTIFUL pictures of boats, boating, and happy people, take time to look at their Inland Empire Chapter website !
The Antique and Classic Boat Society is an international organization made up of 54 chapters. There are chapters in the United States, Canada, and France. Each one of the chapters has a dedicated page on this website that includes the upcoming events which have been submitted to ACBS, news articles in which the chapter has been tagged, and any additional pictures identified with the chapter.
Always identified with a certain geographic region, they all seem to have their own personality, too.
See what other Chapters are doing. Send us more events and news about your own chapter.