ACBS Executive Director met with the ACBS Past Presidents in Florida at the Winter Quarterly Meeting.
Pictured is Dan Gyoerkoe(far left), Executive Director of the Antique and Classic Boat Association. The ACBS Winter Quarterly Meeting was held at Howey-In-The-Hills, Florida. A special invitation/request had been sent to the past presidents to come especially to this meeting to meet Dan.
Think of the experiences these collective leaders have had and the wisdom that they might impart! I wish we all could listen to their sage advice.
Those pictured in attendance were Gene Porter (2008), Jeff Stebbins (2004-5), Jeff Rogers (2006), Ann Matheson (1992), Dean Guy 1993), Dick Sherwood (2003), Gail Turner (2010), Brian Gagnon (2015), Dick Werner (2009), Dunc Hawkins (2013), Tom Flood (1998), Teri Hoffman (2014), John Howard (2017), Jeff Funk (2016).
WAIT — John Howard, you still are a current president. Oh, well.
This gathering of the esteemed past presidents followed the regular quarterly meeting of the Antique and Classic Boat Society’s Board of Directors. News was shared about what is happening as a business organization and lively discussions were held about committee achievements and goals for this year and long-term.
Members of ACBS can see the agenda and all of the reports by going to the Members Only side of the website. You use your email address to sign in. Once in the Members Only Site – often called the online Directory – choose the “Resources” link on the top banner menu. Under Resources, choose “REPORTS & MINUTES”.
Members, while you are there, notice the other Members Only Benefits. The VIDEOS library has over 100 videos which demonstrate how-to techniques for all kinds of restoration and maintenance.The PHOTO GALLARY has thousands of pictures taken as boats were surveyed. That’s a great way to see what other boats that are similar to yours are decked out or wired or ??? Members of Chapters who might have questions about the organization or are looking for contacts or guidance for chapter functions should look through the CHAPTER HANDBOOK..