by Willard McJilton member of the Chesapeake Bay chapter
In 1987, we decided to sell the NOVA. After making the decision and agreeing on a sale, it became apparent that this was a mistake and asked the new owner to bring it back when he was ready to sell. We are the 3rd and 5th owners, purchased in 1975 and repurchased 1994.
Seven years had passed. We did not purchased another boat, knowing that the Nova was the best boat for us. August 1994 the owner of the boat returned. He had decided to sell the Nova. The boat was not as we had remembered it. The bottom had been painted brown, versus white, and the yellow hull had faded. The interior was dirty, but had not been abused.
The negotiations began, with the seller firm and as was I. A deal could not be made. The owner had planned to consign the boat for sale with a dealer if no deal could be made.
I wrestled all night with his decision not to buy the Nova back at the seller’s price. Early the next morning I phoned the seller to tell him I was coming to get the boat. The seller remarked “good”, I was about to call you and tell you to come and get it at your price, they would not accept it in consignment due to the age of the boat.
We gave the seller his price and brought the Nova home.

She is 47 years old and is used on a regular basis, not just for show. The interior is original, some of the chrome deck fittings have been replaced. It is easy to care for, just requires cleaning, polishing, and the teak refurbished. The boat is kept at our dock on the lift year round, covered during the winter. The Nova is a good complement to the wooden boats, the teak on board providing a transition to fiberglass in a wooden boat society.
The pictures are from the ACBS Chesapeake Bay Chapter annual boat festival held at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St Michael’s Maryland. The trip across the bay to St. Michael’s requires 1 hour and 45 minutes, (39 miles) from our dock. The NOVA just needed a quick wipe down to look her best.

Handsome, beamy craft. Few colors go so well together for summer fun than yellow and white. Keep up the good preservation.
I am the owner of this boat.
It is special to me and it returns any effort to keep looking good.
Thanks for the comment.
Great story and a nice boat! Thanks for sharing.
This story is just a chapter in the many stories associated with this boat.
The boat has provided a great deal of pleasure to me and my family over the years.