The New England Chapter became one of the first chapters of the Antique and Classic Boat Society.
Since their organization in 1976, the New England Chapter has continued to provide activities and learning opportunities in their region. Now their calendar includes these annual activities; Spring Romp, Boat Show, Summer Outings, Biennial Fall Car & Boat Rendezvous, Fall Foliage Cruise and our Annual Meeting.
“The new England Chapter hosts numerous events during the course of the year, both for our members and for the public. Our activities usually begin in early June with a lakeside picnic and swap meet, where we exchange items of “extreme value” as well as conversation, like how long it took the ice to go out this year! It’s a fun day for renewing old friendships and making new ones.”
New England Chapter Boat Show, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire
New England chapter members receive a full color magazine, The Cutwater, which reviews events and always includes valuable information for classic boaters.
Much of the information in today’s post comes from the chapter’s great website where you can see many beautiful pictures of their members’ boats.
The chapter already is planning the events for 2018.
Join us for our 45th Annual Lake Winnipesaukee Antique and Classic Boat Show – July 28, 2018
Come out and enjoy the day and the show featuring some of the finest vintage boats on Lake Winnipesaukee.
Forms for the show, Friday night reception and our Saturday Awards Banquet will be available for download after February 1, 2018 from our events page!
54 International Chapters of ACBS
The Antique and Classic Boat Society has 54 Chapters throughout the United States, Canada, and France. ACBS members who affiliate with a home chapter find a group of friends with whom to share boating experiences, boat stories, and the skills needed to maintain and/or preserve and restore their vintage boats. Inevitably, the genuine relationships formed at the chapter level are always mentioned when an ACBS member is asked why they value their ACBS membership.
When you click on the CHAPTERS tab in the menu above, a world map will appear showing the location of the ACBS Chapters. Which one is closest to you? Or maybe there is a chapter near the lake where you vacation that has an event scheduled which you could attend.
Please share information about your chapter. Anyone can do that. You may email pictures and text to