Classic Boat Forum, Workshop, Symposium, Seminar

Whether we are in this as a hobby or a profession, most of us came by way of falling in love with an old boat. The combination of historical value and artistic styling add to the unique story that each antique and classic boat carries with her.  But as with the ownership of anything valuable, we soon…


Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 11.14.17

Driftwood is a 19 foot 1956 Chris Craft Capri with a KLC engine.  The picture was taken from a helicopter over Lake Anna, Virginia.  Owners of Driftwood are Linda and Randy Krout shown here out for a cruise with daughter Brittany and her fiancée Rich Mack.   A Wizard!  This 1957 Wizard El Dorado is 19′ long and is…


1938 water-speed record-setting Bluebird K3 is back

1938 water-speed record-setting Bluebird K3 is back on the water after extensive restoration Jim O’Clair on October 31, 2017, in Hemmings Daily     Owner Karl Foulkes-Halbard poses with the K3 after an exhilarating test run. Photos courtesy Lisa Beaney Photography. Okay, so it didn’t go at its record-setting speed of 130.91 mph that was set on August…


End of the Season Boating Weekend in SW France

Report and pictures sent by Gilbert Vacheret, President of the ACBS France Chapter Like every year, just before it is time to winterize our boats, we were on Cazaux Lake, near Bordeaux, SW France, for a boating weekend.  La Caravelle ( is a hotel located on the bank of the lake, with her own beach, a great spot for beaching boats.  The lake of Cazaux,…


Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 11.7.17

Tom and Joanie Moynihan sent a photo of their 1929 28 foot Model 17 Chris-Craft. Her name is “Ol‘ Smoothie“. She was delivered to Lake George, NY on April 30, 1930, and has remained on the lake since that time.  Tom says, “We took the picture ourselves while she was cruising the lake.”   Lot of…


Back Your Boat Trailer Like a Pro

Back Up Your Boat Trailer Like A Pro By Rich Armstrong, BoatUS. Magazine; August/September 2017 This article was reprinted with permission from BoatU.S. Magazine, the flagship publication of the Boat Owners Association of The United States. For the online editions, membership, insurance, and towing information, visit     It requires teaching your brain some new habits, but…


Featured Chapter of the week is Niagara Frontier

The Niagara Frontier Chapter is this week’s Antique and Classic Boat Society’s featured chapter. As the name implies, most of the chapter’s members live close to Niagara Falls in northwest New York, but also Ontario and nearby states. This active chapter posts this statement on their “Old Boats Buffalo” website: Their fall workshop is scheduled…
