Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 10.17.17

This week’s Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats begins in Florida. Willow is a 1957 Sorg 15 Runabout powered by a Suzuki 25.  She is owned by Audrey and Kent Lewis of Navarre, Florida. This photo was taken when they were out for a picnic cruise on the East Bay. Photographer Kent Lewis.   Hooligan is a 1968 Donzi,  was…


Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 10.10.17

“The Three Hour Tour” is a 1984 Mohawk 27′ workboat with twin Johnson outboards.  Being built in 1984 puts her in the Late Classic age classification.  She is owned by Jim and Pam Peterson who are members of Rocky Mountain Classics and Heartland Classics.  This photo was taken by George Reaves on the 2017 Arkansas River Cruise just…


2017 Classic  Week at Yachting Club de Monaco

Report by Arnaud Brukhnoff of the France Chapter of ACBS.  Copyright photo credit also to Arnaud Brukhnoff. Pictured above is Chris Craft Special Race Boat 16′ 1938 with Pedrazzini  c1947 (Swiss boat) in background on Friday 15th September after regularity contest. Société Nautique de Bordeaux ACBS France Chapter is based in Bordeaux S.W France.   Like for every edition, we were invited by Yachting…


Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 10.3.17

“The People’s Choice” at the recent Smith Mountain Lake Chapter Show was Heaven on a Sunday.  She is owned by Ray and Ann McDowell who are members of the Chesapeake Bay Chapter.  Heaven on a Sunday is a 1963 18’ Century Sabre. The photo was taken by Leigh Conrad, Blacksburg, Virginia.   Bob Williams, Long Island Chapter,…
