Loyalty proven – 13 Past Presidents attend ACBS Quarterly

ACBS Executive Director met with the ACBS Past Presidents in Florida at the Winter Quarterly Meeting. Pictured is Dan Gyoerkoe(far left), Executive Director of the Antique and Classic Boat Association. The ACBS Winter Quarterly Meeting was held at Howey-In-The-Hills, Florida.  A special invitation/request had been sent to the past presidents to come especially to this…


International Yacht Restoration School – Newport, RI

I.Y.R.S. is recognized as the ACBS Associate Member of the week. The International Yacht Restoration School or I.Y.R.S. is an Associate Member of the Antique and Classic Boat Society.  ACBS recognizes them with gratitude for their support of our organization.  I.Y.R.S. EMPOWERS STUDENTS TO MAKE, BUILD, RESTORE & MAINTAIN ALMOST ANYTHING!   They have been an Associate Member…
