
Pennsylvania NE/Harveys Lake Chapter’s 2016 Best of Show

“Linden Maeve” was the 2016 Best of Show at Pennsylvania NE/Harveys Lake Chapter. The 2016 Best of Show Award was presented to Dan Reggie of Harveys Lake, Pa. Dan has a 1940 Chris-Craft 19′ BarrelBack “Linden Maeve”.   “Linden Maeve” was restored to perfect preserved condition with a 5200 bottom, rebuilt original engine. All the chrome…


Chautauqua Lake Twin Tier Chapter 2016 Best Non-Wood Award

“Little Blue” won the Chautauqua Lake Twin Tier Chapter Award for the Best Non-Wood Boat. “Little Blue” is a 1966 MFG Niagara, 14′ long and runs on a 35 hp Mercury.  She is owned by Dave Nau. Awards presented by Bill Reynolds, Chautauqua Lake Twin Tier Chapter President. Notice all of those future classic boat owners learning…


Pennsylvania N.E. Harveys Lake Chapter’s 2016 Most Original

“Sassy” is Pennsylvania N.E. Harveys Lake Chapter’s 2016 Most Original winner. 2016 Most Original Award Presented to Scott and Susan Wimmer from Harveys Lake, Pa. “SASSY” is a 1947 Chris-Craft 17′ Deluxe Runabout 6 cyl 131 HP. Scott and Susan purchased “SASSY” from Put-In-Bay, Ohio about five years ago. They enjoy taking her out and…
