As the Chair of the 2020 ACBS International Awards Committee, I would like to urge you to share the accomplishments of your ACBS Chapter and its outstanding Members by nominating those worthy for ACBS awards.
The Awards Committee is responsible for the following awards:
Chapter of the Year Award – Recognizes one or more chapters who have been outstanding in their development, activities, member participation, and other areas of improvement during the year.
Chapter Newsletter/Magazine Publication Award – an award given to recognize the effort of our Chapters and their newsletter/magazine editors in communicating with their Chapter members. ACBS will recognize the year’s top publication from each of three size-of-chapter categories (large, medium, and small) determined by chapter memberships on June 30th. Publications are reviewed all year, so be sure to send them to the Committee for consideration.
Website Award – in recognition of our chapters and their volunteers in communicating with their members. One award and one runner-up award are given each year. Websites are also reviewed by the Committee all year long, so it is best to keep them updated.
Membership Growth Awards – awarded to the chapter with the largest increase in the number of new members and the greatest percentage of gain. This Committee uses actual Membership statistics from each chapter to determine the which chapters will receive the awards.
Mary Herwig Award – Honors an individual at the International level who, through activities at the chapter level, has contributed broadly and in an outstanding manner toward enhancing and furthering the aims and objectives of the society.

Hagerty Safety Award – Given to an individual(s) who prepares and has published in an ACBS related publication the best article on boating safety.
Rover Award – Recognizes outstanding effort by an individual or group in the organization and implementation of a cruise or function that encourages the use of antique, classic, and historic boats for the enjoyment of the chapter membership and society members.
Broken Gunwale Award – Given in the spirit of fun and good humor and presented to any individual or group which has “distinguished” themselves in a memorable way while participating in an ACBS cruise or boat show.
All nominations for the International awards should include the name of the award, name of chapter supporting the nomination, name of the nominee, author of the nomination and any supporting documentation.

Nominations for the above awards should be sent to the Awards Committee Members listed below by June 30, 2020. For the Publication (Newsletter/Magazine) Award, please send a copy of each issue of your publication throughout the year beginning July 2019 (or bundle one year’s worth and mail by June 30th) to each of the Committee members listed below. Emailing your publication to the Committee Members below will also work.
Awards Committee Members:
Don Leutz, Chair Janice Miller
Lisa Robinson Gene Porter
It is the policy of the Awards Committee to present any specific award only once in the previous three-year period to an individual or a chapter.
Should you have any questions regarding the Awards procedure or criteria, you can find more detailed award information in the ACBS Chapter Handbook which is online at: or please feel free to contact Don Leutz, Awards Committee Chair.