2015 Glen-L Torpedo running

Dream Boat Annie will be at the 2017 International Boat Show

Dream Boat Annie will be at the 2017 International Boat Show in Racine, Wisconsin entered in the ACBS Contemporary Class and the subject of the first symposium presentation. This 2015 Glen-L Torpedo was built by Roberta Hegy, Glacier Lakes Chapter, using a pattern from the Glen-L Company.  The action photo above was taken on the…


Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 7.11.17

Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats begins with Minnehaha (above).  She was ordered in 1921 from Clayton NY builder Burritt L. Wiswell by Bruce Devine’s late grandfather Stanley Livingstone Woodman, a Wolfe Island Ontario fishing & hunting guide. She worked as a guide boat from 1923 up until 1960 when she was retired & stored. Sometime around 1980, she…


Lake Ponchartrain Basin Maritime Museum is Associate Member of the Week

Lake Ponchartrain Basin Maritime Museum has been an Associate Member of the Antique and Classic Boat Society since 2003.   ACBS recognizes them with gratitude for their support of our organization.  The Lake Ponchartrain Basin Maritime Museum is located in Madisonville, Louisiana.  “Bringing Louisiana’s Maritime History to Life,” is the driving mission of the Lake…


Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 7.04.17

Enjoy this Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats! Then send your boat’s picture in for one of the next Tuesday Tours. (directions below) The boat featured above is a Classic 1967 42′ Owens Aruba named Lake Affect owned by Jerry & Becky Caddell. The home port for this boat is at Shell Knob, Missouri on Table Rock Lake.…


July, Already! What are you waiting for?

It’s time to register for the Antique and Classic Boat Society’s Annual Meeting and International Boat Show! The 42nd Annual Meeting & 15th International Boat Show RACINE, WISCONSIN  Sept. 6-9, 2017 Click 2017 Annual Week Overview to see and print. Click Lodging Options to make your Racine Reservations. Online Registration is available for members of ACBS. Or, download printable Registration Forms for…


Great Lakes Boat Building School is the ACBS Associate Member of the Week

Oh, the things you could learn at our featured ACBS Associate Member of the Week. The Great Lakes Boat Building School is “housed in an impressive 12,000 square-foot waterfront facility, east of the Mackinac Bridge along the northern shore of Lake Huron in the Les Cheneaux Islands. These thirty-six islands provide sheltered channels and bays…
