Updated ACBS Meeting Schedule for Tavares, FL

IMPORTANT NOTICE The Chapter Roundtable scheduled for March 19th is canceled. The ACBS Board of Directors meeting scheduled for March 19th is limited to board members only. ACBS members can join the meeting through Go To Meeting. Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/153214645 You can also dial in using your…


Blue Lady

by Stephen Ogilvy member of the New England chapter I have owned this 1967 Lyman Hardtop Cruisette Blue Lady since the fall of 2013, purchased in Vermilion, OH. This is the second wooden boat I have purchased from this area of Ohio. Previously I had bought an 18′ 1955 Chris Craft Sea Skiff in Port…


Family Affair

by Dennis & Donna Friesel members of the Indiana chapter Between 1990 and 1996, I restored a very broken 19’1953 Chris-Craft Racing Runabout that my wife named Mahogamous Affair. This was my first effort at restoring an antique boat and we still use it today. By this time my wife and I were confirmed boaters…
