Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 2.5.19

Today’s Tour of Vintage Boats starts with Skidaddle, a 1962 Correct Craft Compact Skier. She is 16 feet long and pictured here on Mirror Lake in Lakeland, Florida.  Photo by Brandon Baker. Skidaddle is owned by Bruce Kester, Past President of the Sunnyland Chapter of ACBS.  You will see her at the Sunnyland Boat Festival March 22-24,…


Haddie’s Boat

By Marshall Campbell. Growing up I was introduced to boating at a young age. We lived on a small farm with a pond and had an older boat with a Johnson 9.9. After that came a standup Kawasaki jet ski as well as canoes and rowboats. My parents afforded my brother and I several cruises…


Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 1.29.19

Sea Lyon is a 1929 Sea Lyon 28 ft Triple Cockpit antique boat. She runs on a 6 cylinder Scripps 202 engine. Sea Lyon is owned by Don and Teresa Kehr, members of the Sunnyland Chapter.  Will we see Sea Lyon at the Sunnyland Festival at Tavares in March? (picture from ACBS membership files)   Swing was ordered…
