Restoration Season of antique and classic boats is a 12 month a year deal, but right now is when so much work gets done by owners and professionals.  That’s so we’re ready for the spring launching.

There’s help available on this website – take a look … to supplement your own knowledge about maintenance, preservation, or restoration of a boat.

When you contact the supplier, tell them you found them on the ACBS website.  Some even offer discounts to ACBS members.

Here are the general categories and how many businesses are listed with each category search:

Accessories (5)  Builder (15)  Dealer (12)  Education (8)  Engine (13) Hardware (11) Instruments (2)  
(4) Restorer (28)  Riva Boats (4)  Supplies  (13)  Trailers  (3)  

Look at the previews on this website and if you are an active ACBS member, you may sign in to the “members only” section where there are VALUABLE VIDEOS demonstrating techniques.  Even if you are going to use a professional to do the work, it’s good to know what to expect and be knowledgeable about the best options.

ACBS sponsors at least three Symposia/Workshops annually; at the March Sunnyland Show in Florida, jointly with the Antique Boat Museum in Clayton, NY in May, and a full schedule of topics at the International Boat Show in September.

Chapters present workshops throughout the year – there’s probably one within a few hours’ drive of where you live. 

Contact the organizer of a chapter workshop.  Is there a topic where you could be the presenter?  Is there a topic you would like to learn more about? Do you know a professional that could share information with workshop attendees?

Chapter workshop organizers – get your workshop events on the ACBS Events Calendar so that the invitation goes out to other regional members.  An example is the Heartland Classics Workshop in northeastern Oklahoma on February 10th. HC cool Tools

Professional Restorers and boat builders often sponsor workshops, also.  Those, also may be shared on the ACBS Events Calendar .  Here is one example of a workshop that is open to the public scheduled several times per year: Reuben Smith’s Tumblehome Boatshop.  (because of weather, this first 2018 Workshop will be Jan. 20th). 

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