The Raliegh-Durham-Chapel Hill Chapter show was again held in New Bern, NC at the downtown Galley Store Marina on Saturday, May 20, 2017.
Thank you to Judy Hills for sharing this RDC Triangle Chapter report with us. Photos by Judy Hills & Stephanie Currier
Check-ins and festivities began on Friday with Margaret Moores, wife of Jim Moores, owner of Moores Marine (a restorer of fine yachts in Beaufort, NC), giving a very interesting presentation on the history of the eight Presidential Yachts. Jim got called to Fort Lauderdale to coordinate the off-loading of the iconic luxury yacht Olympus. Margaret was an able pinch-hitter. Everyone who was fortunate enough to hear her presentation remarked how much they had learned. She talked about the history of the boats before, during and after their service as a presidential yachts.
Boats from South Carolina, Virginia and Maryland joined ones from North Carolina. Vessels went from the 11-foot Capt’n Hub, a 1952 Barbour Boat racing runabout, to a 42-foot 1969 Chris Craft Sport Cruiser named ‘Bout Time II.
The chapter also helped out local nonprofits. An animal rescue group had a BBQ plate fundraiser which helped us because we had to eat lunch somewhere. The USCG Auxiliary was on-hand to distribute information and sign people up for their important boating education courses.
Mission Navigation is a nonprofit Christian ministry that custom builds rugged, safe work boats for third world missions. This group is based in Morehead City, NC. We enjoyed meeting the enthusiastic leaders of this group and were intrigued by their work.
Owners stayed by their boats in the sweltering heat to talk with the public. They were troopers!
We enjoyed seeing whimsical touches and the lengths that some owners go to make a good display. These are especially enjoyed by women and children.
The evening had the group gathered at the Eastern Carolina Yacht Club. This is the second year the club has hosted the awards dinner. The setting was lovely. White rockers on the deck overlooking the Trent River were occupied by people rehashing the day and talking about how hot it was. The only thing missing were the mint juleps.
Stephen North, the 2017 Boat Building Scholarship winner from Cape Fear Community College spent the day with us and attended the awards dinner to personally thank the members for his scholarship.
Members of the Eastern Carolina Yacht Club cooked beef tenderloin which was to die for. Talk about melt in your mouth! That meat sure did.
After dinner and dessert, a few of us caught the running of the Preakness and then we had the awards.
Winners of the 2017 12th Annual RDC Triangle ACBS Chapter show were:Best Lapstrake – Joe Pecos, 1949 14’ Barbour Vacationer
Best Outboard – Joe Ludgate, 1958 Larson 17’ Thunderhawk, “Huntyjo”
Best Runabout – Chip Paradis, 1933 Chris Craft runabout, “Donna Jean”
Best Utility – Bruce Harvey, 1959 14’Whirlwind,” Less Golf”
Best Continental – Jon Homeister, 1958 18′, “Cure All”
ACBS Most Original – Danny & Paula Wolf, 1965 Owens 34′, “Hope Lee”
Best Contemporary, Gerald Hurst, “…Legend Has It”
Best Non-Wood, Harry Warren, 1973 18’ Chris Craft Jet Boat, “Faster”
People’s Choice –a scratch built by Gerald Hurst, “ …Legend Has It”
Captains’ Choice – Richard & Debbie Charles, 1958 Trojan Sea Queen
Broken Cable was won by Bill Conley for “Blue Tango’s” last run on Jordan Lake.Of course, there was a long list of people to thank for their help with the show. We were most grateful to the boat owners who participated because the show would be nothing without these vessels. To view more photos of the event taken by Stephanie, click on this link:
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