From ACBS Headquarters
On Thursday, December 1, 2022, at 7:00PM EST, ACBS will be hosting the next virtual Chapter Round Table. This session is for all ACBS Chapters’ leadership and will focus on the topic of the End of Year Reports. The meeting will be conducted online via Zoom Meeting.
The Chapter Development Committee has put together a new End of Year Report, that will be going out this week via Survey Monkey to the leadership of all Chapters to complete. Join us for this Round Table to learn what information will be needed to complete the new End of Year Report and to see how the new format will work.
Click here for a PDF copy of the new Guidelines to complete the 2022 EOY Report.
This Chapter Round Table is being lead by ACBS Executive Director Lora Nadolski.
We request that you email your questions ahead of time to, and during the meeting plan to use the chat feature.
Please go to to register for the meeting. The Zoom link is included on the event registration page.
We look forward to seeing everybody online on December 1!