Vintage Treasurers is the theme of the Southern New England Chapter’s Annual Show.
This year it is scheduled for Saturday, July 14th.
The Southern New England Chapter holds the show on the grounds of the Connecticut River Museum, Essex, CT from 9:00-4:30. Cocktails, Dinner, and Awards following the show. The show is ACBS judged. SNEC hosts a Friday night July 13th Barbeque for SNEC members, and Boat Show entries. (See Event Calendar for more details.)
This fall, the Southern New England Chapter will Cruise the Connecticut River!
Chapter Member Charlie Hand will be organizing a fall cruise on the CT River on Saturday, September 29, 2018! Save the date now and watch for details later.
Membership in the Southern New England Chapter is scattered throughout Connecticut but their events draw participants from all over New England. 
If you are an ACBS member and would like to see the map of your own Chapter’s membership, you need to click on the MEMBERS ONLY tab in the top menu. When you reach your own profile page, click on the name of your chapter (blue link in right-hand column).