The 41st Annual Sunnyland Boat Festival (March 25th, 26th and 27th) is just 104 days away and planning is full steam ahead. We have two important messages to share with you. The first is that our registration will open on January 10th, 2022, so please check our website at for the latest information.
The second is with the show fast approaching, now is the time to step up and support the event. We need a lot of volunteers to make this our best show ever. It can be a few hours or the whole weekend. This can be a fun time to see old friends or if you are new, this is your chance to get involved and make new friends. Volunteers are members and non-members alike, so check with friends and family to see if they would like to help as well.
We will need volunteers on all event days.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Debbie Dilkes
Email or call 443-786-1864. If no answer, please leave a message.