Dear ACBS Member,

The ACBS Board of Directors held its summer meeting today. During the meeting, the ACBS Board of Directors voted unanimously to cancel this year’s boat show September 18-19 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. The health and safety of ACBS members, guests, sponsors, and the public are most important along with the restrictions and complications related to Covid-19. The annual membership meeting will be held virtually. The date and time of the annual membership meeting will be announced later this summer.

The Board of Directors agreed to appoint a small committee to develop a revised boat show schedule for the next 4-5 years. There are quite a few options to consider. The process will include an open comment period from June 20th – July 13th. Comments may be submitted to ACBS.

The Board of Directors also voted unanimously to extend the term of the current Past President, President, and Vice President by one year. There will be an election for the open spots on the Board, as usual, and a ballot will be mailed with the summer issue of the Rudder for the following positions: Treasurer, Secretary, and four Directors. Ed Andrews, Mid-Atlantic Chapter, was appointed in accordance with the Bylaws and Constitution, and approved by the Board of Directors to fill the remaining term of Bill Root, who sadly, passed away suddenly earlier this year.

Please feel free to contact me directly with any questions.

Best wishes during these challenging times.

Timothy C. Bush, President of ACBS
Email Tim Bush

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