Many of the ACBS promotions have begun with “When did it start for you?
…because so many old boat stories begin with, “When I was a kid, …” Here’s one more such tale. John Vass is now a member of the Blackhawk Chapter, Michigan Chapter, and Water Wonderland Chapter. But it all began when his family was on a summer vacation at Burt Lake in Northern Michigan. John was 10 years old when the resort owners’ 9-year-old son took him across the lake in a Glasspar g3. What a thrill – until they arrived back at the resort where his frightened/angry mother was waiting.
Fast forward to adulthood when John had included on his office cubicle wall, a picture of a Glasspar g3 – not his – just a someday dream. One day, a co-worker recognized the type of boat and declared that his neighbor had an unused original owner from new, Glasspar g3 in his garage. And then there is the rest of the story.
First came the 1961 14′ Glasspar g3 with the center deck. John restored this boat, purchased a new motor but then discovered that the original Mercury 400 (45 hp) motor still worked.
With this boat, he started creating memories with his two sons on Burt Lake which is a 17,000 acre inland lake, part of the “Inland waterway” approximately 20 miles south of the Mackinac Bridge. The “Inland waterway” has had the world’s toughest 2-day, 90+ mile, outboard marathon race for 68 years.
Next, came the 1965 Glasspar G3 open deck model. It is powered by a 1966 Merc 950, 95 hp. Both ’61 & ’65 g3’s have white hulls/red seats and unique Airguide “Seaflite” bow lights.
The g3 is like a sports car on water. For its size, it takes rough water well, corners flat with the stylish sponson-like hull features. Originally Glasspar marketed the g3 as a ski boat. It’s a fun & safe boat that can get you into the classic boat hobby!
You can read more about the Glasspar and the g3 at the Florida Glasspar Club and the Marque Club Glasspar G3 Owners Club. Many more pictures of the early fiberglass boats are fun enjoy on the club’s website.
***Thank you, John Vass, for sending pictures and details about these Glasspar g3 boats.***
The Antique and Classic Boat Society is proud to list many Marque Clubs in our Directory and on this website. They play an important role in the preservation of the history of boat manufacturers, and they often keep records of specifications of various models. The Marque Clubs also provide a source for members to share specific information and help search for parts for authentic restorations.