“Old Hand or Newbie to the Chapter Leadership—There is Still Lots to Learn”
By Ed Andrews, Chapter Development Committee Chair
The Chapter Development Committee has had a lot of contact over this past year with ACBS Board members and Chapter leaders. We have been approached by a number of chapters who are in difficulty. What became apparent to us in these discussions is that there is an opportunity for all of us to improve—to do it better, more efficiently and more productively. Even a solidly performing chapter may be stuck in the status quo which has the potential for a downward spiral. The Chapter Development Committee is addressing the issues one at a time with our virtual roundtable discussions and packing the ACBS website with resources for the Chapters.
In continuing this effort, please plan to join our virtual roundtable meeting on Wednesday, January 18 at 7 PM EST. This roundtable will focus on chapter officers both new and experienced. Our goal will be to help new incoming officers understand their roles and the resources that are available to them through the ACBS. In addition, we hope to develop a dialogue with experienced chapter officers who can share ideas and processes that have helped their particular chapter.
We realize that no two chapters are the same, so there’s no cookie-cutter formula that works for everyone. We hope that through meetings such as this can help each chapter develop their own best practices which will in turn help the entire organization.
This Chapter Roundtable is being led by Ed Andrews, Mid-Atlantic Chapter, and Scott Mason, Pacific Northwest Chapter.
We request that you email your questions ahead of time to lora@acbs.org.
Please go to https://myacbs.org/Meeting/Register/76 to register for the meeting. The Zoom link is included on the event registration page.
We look forward to seeing everybody online on January 18th!
Well done Ed! Keep up your good work..
Ken MacStephen
Thank You Ken.