Photos provided by Neil Satterly and Aaron Hanson

The FLC Show as FUN for the Whole Family!
The Finger Lakes Chapter hosted it’s 44th Annual Boat Show in the beautiful village of Skaneateles, New York, last weekend. It was the 28th show to be held right there in the downtown park, and was organized jointly with the Skaneateles Area Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
The three event days were packed with events for the members, classes and tours for the public, judging of the boats by ACBS judges and youth judges, cruises and flybys. The village docks and Clift Park were filled with boat displays, antique cars and trucks, vendor booths of all kinds. Being right in the heart of Skaneateles folks could tour the show and then visit all of the downtown shops and restaurants.
The weather was perfect all weekend and the show was packed! A great time was certainly had by all.
Thank you so much to the Finger Lakes ACBS Chapter volunteers and the Boat Show sponsors for putting on another wonderful show!
Great show each year!
I’m sorry that I couldn’t attend. It’s always different and always interesting. Good weather is a bonus. Remote parking with a shuttle we be a nice addition.