Member Mike McBride Makes Art Projects for Kids Attending His Chapter’s (Indiana) Boat Show
By Judy Hills, ACBS Chapter Development Committee Secretary

WOW!  We were blown away when we saw the 200+ pieces of art that Mike McBride had cut out pine boards.  Not only that, he routered the edges and sanded the turtles, fish and various types of boats.  His chapter offers young boat show attendees the opportunity to paint and take them home. 

Mike shared this information with the Chapter Development Committee members when we were discussing boat shows.  This activity is so popular that last year they ran out of them, so this year Mike crafted even more.  He doesn’t even have a pattern—he just thinks them up and starts cutting. 

We asked Mike if he would make and sell them to chapters.  His response, “ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!”  They are so much work and he has better things to do with his time, although this is a labor of love.  We did try to talk him into writing this project up for the resource page of the ACBS website—and we hope he will as it is a wonderful idea to attract families to boat shows.  One committee member thought they might make good chapter award “trophies.”

The other weekend the Indiana Chapter hosted their show where these art projects are handed out, here’s a quick recap from Mike:

The Lake James Antique Boat and Car Show

The Lake James Antique Boat and Car show brought out many classic boats and cars this year.  There were joined by vintage trailers, juried artists, vendors and live music. Perfect weather made for a great event!


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