ACBS Boat Show Schedule

Dear ACBS Member, As you may know, on June 20th, the ACBS Board of Directors voted unanimously to cancel this year’s ACBS Boat Show September 18-19th at the Coeur d’Alene Resort (Idaho) due to Coronavirus Pandemic. All pre-events organized by the Inland Empire Chapter were also canceled. The Annual Membership Meeting will be held via…


By Chris Finks member of Columbia Willamette and Pacific Northwest chapters Louie is a 1960 Chris-Craft Constellation Hull# CXA-36-139h with hardtop option and still powered by two original Model 283HR025 Chris-Craft Marine engines serial numbers 811440 and 811441. Louie is named to honor my grandfather, James Louis “Louie” Finks Sr. whom I was very close.…