One Great Celebrity

by Dick Fritz member of the Lake Champlain chapter Whenever I pass Rick’s Antiques I always have to look. Why not? I’ve gotten two dingys, a 1922 18’ Old Town HW canoe and last my 20’ 1970 Celebrity sailboat. Celebrity was originally a Dutch design which allowed the mast to quickly be lowered to go…


by Pete & Ramona Seitz members of the Heartland Classics chapter In 1968 a Bud and Bob Muraves decided they wanted to build a controversial style of boat. The boat became known as Renegade. It is an all wood Campbell boat with a modified bottom that was rigged to be a ski race boat. It…

A Love Story

by Dawn Merrill Edwards member of the Blue Ridge chapter Sixty-six years ago, our boat began our family story. In 1954, A.H. Merrill Company, our family run general store in Norwich, Vermont, purchased the 13’6’ Clinker-Built built in Old Town, Maine. My grandfather, Leon Merrill purchased the boat for my parents, Arthur and Dorothy Merrill.…

The Highlight Of Summer

by Harold Atkins member of ACBS In 1991, we moved to our home on the St. Joseph River in Elkhart, Indiana. Since we had been enjoying our Century Coronado at our condo on Lake Wawasee, we wanted a boat for the river, so we purchased an I/O deck boat from a local dealer. After having…