2022 ACBS International Awards

From the Awards Committee Each year ACBS members nominate worthy candidates for the annual international awards. These awards, given at the ACBS Annual Meeting and International Boat Show, recognize exemplary efforts of chapters and volunteers to further the hobby of antique and classic boat stewardship. Congratulations to all of the 2022 ACBS International Award winners!…

Bjorn is a Star

From ACBS Headquarters The Marketing Committee recently received an email from one of our ACBS Directors and Marketing Committee Members, Bjorn Bakken of the Bay State Classic Boat Club, sharing the news that his latest television show was about to air.  Smart Boating TV, a local Cape Ann, (northshore Boston) TV program has been following…

Causing a Stir on the Causeway!

By Jon March, Mountain View Woodies Classic Boat Club and Show MC With 40 miles of clear freshwater boating, beaches and pine trees, Naples, Maine, has been a popular vacation destination since the time when people rode trains in hophats and hoopskirts to escape the city heat, and sit on shady verandas of Grand lake-view…