A Note from the President

To all Members, As part of a member organization, it is incumbent upon all of us to be caretakers of the financial wellbeing of ACBS.  As a Board of Directors, we take fiduciary responsibility very seriously.  At our recent Fall Planning and Budgeting meeting we performed our fiscal wellness check. Results were ok, but not…

Duces Wild

By Dave Kucko, Blue Ridge Chapter Duces Wild is a one-family owned boat since new and is one of about six twin outboard 18-foot Lymans known to still exist. Lyman’s records are unclear on how many twin outboards were built through the years but it was pretty minimal compared to the high volume output of…

Laura Grace

By John Loucks, Manotick Chapter Laura Grace is a 1951 Shepherd Utility built at Niagara On The Lake, Ontario. Her license, 4D3, is original indicating that she was the third boat to be licensed at Coaticook, Quebec. She still carries these original numbers. I have had no success in finding the original owners. However, I…

Sunnyland Boat Festival

The 41st Annual Sunnyland Boat Festival (March 25th, 26th and 27th) is just 104 days away and planning is full steam ahead. We have two important messages to share with you. The first is that our registration will open on January 10th, 2022, so please check our website at https://acbs-sunnyland.org for the latest information. The…

Old’s Cool

Steve Benz, New England Chapter One evening in the summer of 2020, Cheryl and I were sitting on our deck looking out over Lake Opechee, NH and our neighbor waved to us from his 1953 Lyman runabout. She turned to me and said “You should build us a wooden boat”. Why not, since we had…