By Scott Wilcox, Mountainview Woodies Classic Boat Club A Little History… In the early part of the last century canoe manufacturing as an industry began to develop. Many backwoods craftsmen became entrepreneurs. Among them were the Chestnut brothers, Henry and William, of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Several manufacturers tried to develop a motorized version of…

Graceful Canoes

Michael and Tanya Grace, Sunnyland Chapter We were very excited to meet ACBS Sunnyland members Michael and Tanya Grace at the Sunnyland Boat Festival last week where they displayed three fantastic canoes from their collection. Two of the three were not just antiques, but historic canoes at well over 100 years old. The canoes’ builders,…

Mahogany & Chrome: Episode 05 is Live!

From Headquarters We’ve talked to ACBS members all across North America this week, and we know it is a crazy winter week when they are expecting snow in Southern California! Luckily, we also got great news from Heartland Classics Chapter members Forrest Bryant and David Vickers. They are the creative partnership behind a professionally produced…


ACBS Web Workshops – Websites

From Rob Cassell,  ACBS Marketing Committee Chair The next ACBS Web Workshop session is next week, Wenesday, March 1st at 8:00PM EST. This session will be targeted towards the current chapter webmasters to answer all of their questions about websites. Have you ever been signed into your word press site, trying to make a quick…