Rudder Cover Summer 2016

Rudder Summer 2016

ACBS members are enjoying the current issue of the Rudder. Among the interesting articles is an enticing look at the Lake Tahoe Maritime Museum which members will visit during the upcoming Annual ACBS Meeting and International Boat Show. Several Chapters are featured.  Is yours? And there is a great article on the Lyman Boats and…

2015 Gold Antique Launch

2015 Gold Antique Launch

“Tolka” received a 2015 Gold Antique Launch Award at the 2015 ACBS Boat Show. “Tolka”, owned by Lee and Penny Anderson, was entered as a 1929 36 foot Bell Labs Launch.  She is powered by a Sterling Petrel 6 cylinder 135 hp engine. Prewar boats that were built between 1919 and 1942 are officially in…