Winterizing Your Antique or Classic Boat

Shared with permission from “How to Restore Your Wooden Runabout, Volume 2″, by Don Danenberg.  Don Danenberg added a few updates to the text.  You may see more of his advice on his website page or even join his forum group at  Winterizing There are basically two ways to winterize the engine to prevent damage…

ACBS Featured Chapter is Penn NE/Harveys Lake

Pennsylvania NE / Harveys Lake Chapter holds its annual show in August.  Wikipedia describes the location as: Harveys Lake is a natural lake in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. It has a surface area of approximately 621.5 acres, or nearly a square mile. The lake is situated entirely within the borough of Harveys Lake.  By volume, it is the largest natural lake in…

Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 10.24.17

For the Good Times is a Classic 1971 Chris Craft XK19 owned by Mike Langhorne.  She is powered by a Chevy 8 with 350 hp.  Photo by Forrest Bryant. email a picture of your boat for the Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats to Scott Martin from Ankeny, Iowa brought SURPRISE to the 2017 ACBS International…

Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats 10.17.17

This week’s Tuesday Tour of Vintage Boats begins in Florida. Willow is a 1957 Sorg 15 Runabout powered by a Suzuki 25.  She is owned by Audrey and Kent Lewis of Navarre, Florida. This photo was taken when they were out for a picnic cruise on the East Bay. Photographer Kent Lewis.   Hooligan is a 1968 Donzi,  was…